ITV’s Border Life tells the story of the McMurray photographs

Thanks to ITV’s Border Life the story of William McMurray and his photographic collection has been brought to homes across the Borders TV area.

The programme was richly  illustrated with many of William McMurray’s photographs including one  of young James McMurray, seen playing his violin, just a few short years before he was killed in the First World War.  On a happier note we see the McMurray brothers on early motor bikes and some of the first cars in Gatehouse as well as shots of the town and several family groups.

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European Group to visit Gatehouse

Partners in a new European heritage project will be visiting Gatehouse in May.
At a meeting in Bastia Corsica partners in a new European Heritage project agreed to visit Gatehouse in May to learn of the experience of the Gatehouse Development Initiative in promoting the rural heritage of Gatehouse by involving the people of Gatehouse in community projects.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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