Visit to Cham

The second meeting of the Grundtvig Rural Heritage Promoter project took place in Germany, in Cham in Bavaria. At this meeting, the group worked on the communication tools that will be linked to projects and the formalization of the approach that will be used to identify good practice in Heritage promotion. The question the state of Historic Places were also discussed. This is an important part of the project and will be presented at the next meeting in Scotland.

From the perspective of rural heritage, the attractions of the Bavarian Forest are focused on the promotion of walks, hiking and mountain biking. The region also specialises in the idea of ​​Wellness, and the area is a focus within Germany for various treatments such as hydrotherapy, "Kneipp", etc ...

Practical Workshops 

The second day was devoted to understanding and viewing the work of the "Tourismusakademie of Ostbayern." As the name suggests, it is primarily the methodology of tourism development that was presented to us. Bavarian tourism is heavily focused on rural heritage and tradition.
Bavarian cuisine was highlighted with practical workshops showing off region-specific recipes. Local specialties included variations of recipes using the potato. The Bärwurz, alcohol-based indigenous root, is also part of the products that are the pride of Bavaria. 

The region very much focuses on its specialities to promote itself. The Regional Governor who spoke to the group said "You can not develop tourism by trying to copy what is happening elsewhere in the world. The focus should be on its own identity and benefit. "

The Bavarian tourist offering follows this axiom. It is noted that the goal is not to please everyone but simply maximize the strengths of the region focused on cultural identity precisely defined. This responds particularly to the homegrown tourist market. Looking at the statistics, it is clear that tourism is big business in the region. It is essentially a German public that supports the tourist infrastructure of Cham and the surrounding areas.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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